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Home > East of England > King's Lynn

Ghosts, Folklore and Forteana of King's Lynn

King Street, King's Lynn.

Man in Three Cornered Hat

Location: King's Lynn - 9 King Street
Type: Haunting Manifestation
Date / Time: 1970s onwards
Further Comments: This eighteenth century gentleman has been observed by several different witnesses in the building. In its latter days as a museum, one visitor spotted the ghostly gentleman walking around with his hands behind his back.

The A148.

Three Tolls

Location: King's Lynn - A148
Type: Other
Date / Time: 02 March 2024, 23:58h
Further Comments: Driving late home from King's Lynn, a witness heard the distinctive sound of a huge bell toll three times. Not being able to see anything nearby that would be chiming so late, the witness interpreted the tolls as a warning and took additional care driving home.

Woman in Black

Location: King's Lynn - Bank House
Type: Haunting Manifestation
Date / Time: Late twentieth century?
Further Comments: While several staff have reported feeling as if someone is watching them, only one person has reported seeing the phantom woman wearing a long black dress.


Location: King's Lynn - Clifton House
Type: Poltergeist
Date / Time: Unknown
Further Comments: Tradition says this building was home to a tapping entity, but no reports can be found post-1950s.

Devil's Alley, King's Lynn.

Satan's Hoof Print

Location: King's Lynn - Devil's Alley
Type: Legend - Old Nick
Date / Time: No longer present
Further Comments: A single footprint belonging to Old Nick was said to be visible down this aging alleyway, although the route has now been resurfaced.

Duke's Head, King's Lynn.

The Red Lady

Location: King's Lynn - Duke's Head, Tuesday Market Place
Type: Haunting Manifestation
Date / Time: Unknown
Further Comments: This figure in red has been seen walking the corridors and climbing staircases. She is said to be the shade of a woman who killed herself over her two lovers. Room 18 was once haunted after an attempted suicide resulted in a dying man being brought into the suite - his ghostly moaning once drove people away, though now it has faded.

Party Goers

Location: King's Lynn - Eagle Hotel
Type: Haunting Manifestation
Date / Time: Late twentieth century?
Further Comments: Since the Eagle was rebuilt in the late 1950s, the owners have reported the sounds of a party downstairs. It is thought that these sounds belong to a party which was brought to a sudden end when a German bomb hit the original building in June 1942.


Location: King's Lynn - House (may no longer stand) along Windsor Terrace
Type: Haunting Manifestation
Date / Time: Circa June 1902
Further Comments: Local press reported that the occupant of this property left after enduring a week of ghostly activity, although the details of the haunting were fleeting. Stories of the ghost had drawn an evening crowd to stand outside the house waiting in anticipation, which the police had to monitor.

Woman with Child

Location: King's Lynn - Mildenhall Hotel
Type: Haunting Manifestation
Date / Time: Unknown
Further Comments: The attic of the hotel is reputedly haunted by a woman who died shortly after giving birth to a child outside of wedlock.

Cold Spot

Location: King's Lynn - Private residence, close to the docks
Type: Poltergeist
Date / Time: March - June 2002
Further Comments: Perhaps attached to a visitor who briefly stayed at this house, the site was subjected to several poltergeist-like incidents. These included a cold spot, bangs and doors opening unaided. A shadowy figure was seen in the kitchen, briefly mistaken for a real person before it faded away.

Lady in Black

Location: King's Lynn - Private residence, Seabank area
Type: Haunting Manifestation
Date / Time: 1970 - 1976
Further Comments: A former occupant of this home reported hearing disembodied footsteps walking up and down the staircase at night. Doors and windows would also bang shut. On one occasion the witness awoke to see a woman in black and dark grey. It was said that an exorcism was performed on the site prior to the family moving in.

King's Lynn Public Library.


Location: King's Lynn - Public Library
Type: Haunting Manifestation
Date / Time: Unknown
Further Comments: This figure is reported to haunt the basement of the building, once a monastery. At one time, staff were apparently too scared to enter the area by themselves.

King's Lynn Quay, Norfolk.

The Bride

Location: King's Lynn - Purfleet Quay
Type: Haunting Manifestation
Date / Time: Unknown
Further Comments: This woman killed herself the day after being wed - her ghost loiters around the Purfleet area before screaming and throwing itself into the quay waters. Other screams, belonging to fighting soldiers, can also be heard in the area, during which the water runs red with blood.

The Exorcist's House, King's Lynn, Norfolk.

Mrs Buckley

Location: King's Lynn - The Exorcist's House
Type: Post-Mortem Manifestation
Date / Time: Late twentieth century
Further Comments: The ghost of a former occupant of this old house was seen briefly by the two daughters of the man who had just purchased the property.

The Globe Hotel, King's Lynn.

The Chill

Location: King's Lynn - The Globe Hotel, Tuesday Market Place
Type: Haunting Manifestation
Date / Time: Unknown
Further Comments: Rather than a building design flaw, this 'chill' has been blamed on the spirit of a man once murdered in the stables, a site now incorporated inside the building.

Tudor Rose Hotel, King's Lynn.

Small Lady

Location: King's Lynn - The Tudor Rose Hotel, 11 Nicholas Street
Type: Unknown Ghost Type
Date / Time: Unknown
Further Comments: Shortly after a wedding, the bride was stabbed to death by her new husband in the hotel. Since then, a short woman in a long white dress has been spotted and phantom footsteps heard.

Lantern Carrier

Location: King's Lynn - The Walks (Park)
Type: Other
Date / Time: August 1875
Further Comments: This figure walking around carrying an unlit lantern caused a witness to report his encounter to the police. Locals armed with clubs and stones attempted to hunt the ghost, which was soon discovered to be a scientist looking for moths.

Thoresby College, King's Lynn.


Location: King's Lynn - Thoresby College
Type: Haunting Manifestation
Date / Time: Late twentieth century
Further Comments: At least one cleaner has reported that small items vanish, only to reappear in different places around the building.

Quite a Few

Location: King's Lynn - True's Yard Fisherfolk Museum
Type: Haunting Manifestation
Date / Time: 2000s
Further Comments: This building is said to be haunted by a few dozen ghosts, although no sightings appear to predate the year 2000. The building's ghosts featured in several news publications in September 2021 after a ghost hunter's motion-activated music box was left on the site, causing museum staff some concern.

Tuesday Market Place, King's Lynn.

King's Lynn's Heart

Location: King's Lynn - Tuesday Market Place, house No's 15/16
Type: Legend
Date / Time: Legend unknown, but heart still visible
Further Comments: Several legends explain why this heart is here, though all revolve around the same theme; the market square was once a place of execution, and the heart exploded out from the chest of the unfortunate female victims, embedding into the wall. Number 15 is also home to a poltergeist who throws things to the floor.

White Hart pub, King's Lynn.

Lost Monk

Location: King's Lynn - White Hart public house
Type: Haunting Manifestation
Date / Time: Unknown
Further Comments: The phantom which haunts this pub is thought by most to be a monk from the church across the road - the church and public house were once connected by a now bricked up tunnel.

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