Location: A12 - Junction between Jay Lane and Rackham's Corner
Type: Haunting Manifestation
Date / Time: 1988, late afternoon during winter, again in August 2001
Further Comments: Driving back to Great Yarmouth, a driver and his wife watched as a cyclist pulled out in front of their car, while travelling at 70 mph. They hit him, but felt no bump, and could find no trace that the cyclist had ever existed. A phantom jaywalker has also been seen in this area, described as having a weird and horrible leer.
Location: Acton - Acton Park, The 'Nursery Corner'
Type: Haunting Manifestation
Date / Time: Unknown date, but appears at midnight
Further Comments: Midnight, at an unspecified date, and the park gates are said to burst open, letting in a ghostly carriage pulled by four horses which race to the area known as the Nursery Corner. Local legend states it is here that once a vicious battle took place between Romans and Britons.
Location: Acton - Private house along Barrow Hill
Type: Haunting Manifestation
Date / Time: 1982
Further Comments: A couple living in the house fled after phantom footsteps started to follow the wife around when she was alone in the house. Doors would also open themselves or jam when the human occupiers tried to open them.
Location: Acton - Wimbell Pond
Type: Haunting Manifestation
Date / Time: Unknown
Further Comments: Protecting their hidden hoard of money, if anyone comes too close to discovering this secret stash a white figure appears and cries out 'That's mine!'.
Location: Akenham - Church
Type: Legend - Old Nick
Date / Time: Unknown
Further Comments: A local myth states that walking around the church thirteen times anticlockwise will summon the Devil.
Location: Akenham - Farm Track
Type: ABC
Date / Time: 18 February 2012, 09:50
Further Comments: Police reported that a man had called them saying that a large cat had attacked a deer. The deer had been found with marks around the throat area.
Off the coast of Aldeburgh, Suffolk.
Location: Aldeburgh - Coast
Type: Legend
Date / Time: Circa nineteenth century
Further Comments: Much of Aldeburgh has been taken by the sea, leading to the belief that the bells from sunken churches could sometimes be heard under the waves.
Location: Aldeburgh - Skies over Aldeburgh
Type: Post-Mortem Manifestation
Date / Time: 04 August 1642, 17:00h - 18:00h
Further Comments: A large phantom battle occurred in the skies over Aldeburgh; gunfire was heard and a large stone fell from the sky. What happened to this piece of rock is unclear.
The sky above Aldeburgh, Suffolk.
Location: Aldeburgh - Somewhere over the town
Type: UFO
Date / Time: 1916
Further Comments: A female witness watched for 5 minutes as this disk carrying a dozen men dressed like sailors flew overhead, at a height of about 30 feet.
Location: Ampton - Callow Hill Lane
Type: Unknown Ghost Type
Date / Time: 1940s
Further Comments: A young boy reported that he walked alongside a man and a dog, which both disappeared once they reached this lane.
Location: Ashill - House in village; exact location not known
Type: Haunting Manifestation
Date / Time: 1974
Further Comments: Reputedly haunted by a priest with only one leg, this house received media attention when police responded to an activated burglar alarm; they arrived on the scene only to discover a set of one-legged footprints that disappeared into a wall.
Location: Assington - Assington, near Sudbury
Type: ABC
Date / Time: Early 1996
Further Comments: One of many big cat sightings reported in Suffolk during 1996.
Location: Badwell Ash - Lane near Ladybrick barn
Type: Haunting Manifestation
Date / Time: 1960s
Further Comments: A ghostly lantern which slowly moved down the lane towards parked cars was eventually declared to be nothing more than an optical illusion created by nearby houses.
Location: Barham - Along the main Norwich Road, Barham Church Lane, just past Barham Hall gates.
Type: Shuck
Date / Time: 1910s?
Further Comments: The dog harassed a couple of men walking back from work - one of them reported trying to hit the creature with a stick, but the piece of wood passed straight through the dog's body. Another version of the story states the dog disappears into a solid wall.
Location: Barham - Lane near Church
Type: Haunting Manifestation
Date / Time: 2000s
Further Comments: Observed during daylight hours, a coach is said to travel along a lane here.
Location: Barnby - Bridge over Hundred Stream
Type: Shuck
Date / Time: Unknown
Further Comments: Legend states the stream to be the haunt of a Shuck, though no further information could be found.
Location: Barnham - Tutt Hill
Type: Haunting Manifestation
Date / Time: Unknown
Further Comments: The man who helped the Danes take Thetford was rewarded for the treachery with execution by his newfound 'allies'.
Location: Barrow - Stone in pavement near village school
Type: Legend
Date / Time: New Year's Eve (Reoccurring)
Further Comments: A stone set into the pavement here is reported to mark the spot where a highwayman was hanged. Once a year the stone turns itself over on the stroke of midnight.
Location: Barsham - Between Barsham and Norwich
Type: Haunting Manifestation
Date / Time: 24 December (reoccurring)
Further Comments: Once per year, just before Christmas, a ghostly member of the Blennerhassett family leaves the village in a coach pulled by headless horses. The phantom would travel to Hassett's Tower in Norwich before returning home before sunrise.
Location: Barsham - Holy Trinity church
Type: Haunting Manifestation
Date / Time: Late twentieth century
Further Comments: Disembodied footsteps have been heard in the church and are thought to belong to a phantom Georgian woman who is very occasionally seen in the area.
Location: Bawdsey - Bawdsey Manor
Type: Haunting Manifestation
Date / Time: 1940s
Further Comments: Soldiers and workers based here during the Second World War are said to have encountered the phantom of a former butler who would stare out from the windows.
Location: Bawdsey - Top secret location
Type: UFO
Date / Time: 1980s/1990s
Further Comments: A relatively new myth, this location is said to house downed UFO technology, under reverse engineering by UK scientists.
Beccles Cemetery, Suffolk.
Location: Beccles - Cemetery
Type: Shuck
Date / Time: 1974
Further Comments: A woman passing through the cemetery watched a large white dog as it faded away in front of her.
Location: Beccles - Crown Inn
Type: Haunting Manifestation
Date / Time: Twentieth century
Further Comments: Pictures which fall to the floor without identifiable cause are said to have been moved by this pub's ghost, which can be heard ascending the staircase and moving through rooms in the upper part of the building.
Location: Beccles - Exact location not known
Type: ABC
Date / Time: 1991
Further Comments: This cat was shot and killed by a local farmer, who claimed both police and the Government asked him to destroy the body and tell no one about the incident.