Location: E1 - 88 Newark Street, Whitechapel
Type: Haunting Manifestation
Date / Time: 1950s
Further Comments: The family who lived here for six years reported a suppressive atmosphere and terrible luck. Their children reported a phantom cat, while the mother was too scared to enter certain rooms.
Location: E1 - Durward Street, Whitechapel (was Bucks Row)
Type: Haunting Manifestation
Date / Time: 1888 onwards
Further Comments: The general area is supposedly haunted by the sounds of the victims of Jack the Ripper, thought only in Durward Street has an apparition been observed; the glowing woman lays in the gutter, the location where Mary Ann Nichols was discovered (the Ripper's first victim).
Location: E1 - Former Bass Sales Office, Cephas Street
Type: Haunting Manifestation
Date / Time: 1980
Further Comments: Workers in this building, constructed on the site of an old Doctor's office, reported cold spots and the smell of embalming fluid.
Location: E1 - Former wicker cane warehouse (no longer standing), Durward Street
Type: Unknown Ghost Type
Date / Time: December 1974
Further Comments: A man at the warehouse, which was once a board school, encountered a ghostly young boy hanging from a cord attached to a hook on the ceiling.
Location: E1 - Hanbury Street
Type: Haunting Manifestation
Date / Time: 1930s, reputed to be more common in the autumn
Further Comments: Annie Chapman was murdered by Jack the Ripper at 29 Hanbury Street, and it was said that she haunted the area where she was killed, her phantom accompanied by a man. On one occasion during the 1930s, a witness could hear her murder, but could see nothing at the site. A phantom, headless body in the area is also said to be Annie. 29 Hanbury Street has since been demolished.
Location: E1 - London Jewish Hospital (closed 1979 and since demolished)
Type: Haunting Manifestation
Date / Time: 1977
Further Comments: Thought to be a former patient, this ghost took up residence in a day room used by nurses and would brush past them.
Location: E1 - Magistrates Court, Aylward Street (?)
Type: Haunting Manifestation
Date / Time: 1970s
Further Comments: A former employee at the court, Mrs Brown still walks where she worked.
Location: E1 - Mitre Square
Type: Haunting Manifestation
Date / Time: Unknown, but said to occur late September
Further Comments: Killed by Jack the Ripper, Catherine's torn body is still occasionally seen laying in the gutter.
Location: E1 - Private flat in Shadwell
Type: Haunting Manifestation
Date / Time: 2002 onwards
Further Comments: One resident reported hearing strange taps and bangs which occurred in their property over a nine year period. In 2011, other residents reportedly spotted a black shadow wearing a Cavalier-like hat pass by their doors, while a guard had heard disembodied footsteps on the stairwell.
Location: E1 - Property along Gower's Walk
Type: Haunting Manifestation
Date / Time: 2020s
Further Comments: People onsite in the evenings and overnight have reported shadowy figures in the corridors, as well as adult and child voices screaming, talking and laughing.
Location: E1 - Royal London Hospital
Type: Haunting Manifestation
Date / Time: Unknown
Further Comments: A spectral grey lady has been reported walking around this London Hospital. There is also a tradition ensuring that the shutters are closed at the hospital - if they are left open overnight, it is widely believed someone unexpected dies.
Location: E1 - Stepney Magistrate's Court (now demolished)
Type: Haunting Manifestation
Date / Time: 1976
Further Comments: A former Matron at the court, Browne was blamed for throwing items around and knocking trays of food from people's hands.
The steps haunted by Judge Geoffreys.
Location: E1 - Steps outside of the Town of Ramsgate public house, Wapping High Street
Type: Haunting Manifestation
Date / Time: Twentieth century
Further Comments: Geoffreys, the infamous Hanging Judge, was arrested on the steps outside this pub that lead down to the Thames; he was dressed as a sailor, trying to flee the country. His spirit remains trapped on the stairs, reportedly seen by river police.
Location: E1 - Ten Bells public house (was Jack the Ripper), Commercial Street
Type: Haunting Manifestation
Date / Time: 1970s
Further Comments: The landlord of this pub claimed that Annie Chapman's ghost had taken up residence within the walls. Strange winds were reported, as was mild poltergeist behaviour.
Thames close to where Carron Wharf once stood.
Location: E1 - Thames close to Carron Wharf (closed 1974)
Type: Post-Mortem Manifestation
Date / Time: Circa 1897
Further Comments: After the discovery of a body in this section of river, for three consecutive nights two witnesses heard crying and could see a large man in the water, waving his arms before disappearing.
Location: E1 - The 'Wood Street Compter' - a basement
Type: Haunting Manifestation
Date / Time: Unknown
Further Comments: The basement is all that remains of a former debtors' prison. Even though access to the basement is now prevented, people walking past report hearing whispers and the feeling that something is watching them.
The Town of Ramsgate public house.
Location: E1 - Town of Ramsgate public house, Wapping High Street
Type: Haunting Manifestation
Date / Time: Twentieth century
Further Comments: Prisoners were once held in the cellar of the Town of Ramsgate, where strange sounds are now said to emerge.
Location: E10 - Private residence along Essex Road
Type: Haunting Manifestation
Date / Time: 1975
Further Comments: One witness reported a ghostly old man with a white beard and dressing gown who would stand at the foot of their bed. The entity would open the cellar door, even though it would be bolted closed each night.
Location: E11 - Aldersbrook Road
Type: Haunting Manifestation
Date / Time: Circa 1993
Further Comments: This Asian woman was only visible to two out of four occupants in a car. She ran out in front of the vehicle, causing the two witnesses to scream as they thought she would be hit - though no impact occurred. The entity was said to have a face full of fear and regret.
Location: E11 - Beacontree Road
Type: Haunting Manifestation
Date / Time: Late twentieth century
Further Comments: The shade of an old lady haunted one property along this road, frequenting the room where her family would keep her locked up. Another presence, this time male, was more dominating; it would materialise during the night and stand over the beds of any females present in the house.
Location: E11 - Beacontree Station
Type: Haunting Manifestation
Date / Time: 1992
Further Comments: A station employee working alone heard the door to his office rattle several times. Unnerved, the man began to climb upstairs to find a colleague but felt he was being watched. Turning around, he saw a woman standing there with long blond hair but no face - her features were completely smooth. Talking to his colleague a short time later, the employee discovered that he was not the only person to have seen her.
Location: E11 - City of London Cemetery, Aldersbrook Road, Wanstead
Type: Other
Date / Time: Mid 1970s
Further Comments: In the western section of the cemetery, a many local people reportedly a gravestone which glowed at night with a bright orange light. People who investigated the stone could not find an external light source to explain the illumination.
Location: E11 - Former Wanstead police station (no longer operational)
Type: Haunting Manifestation
Date / Time: Unknown
Further Comments: This police station was said to be haunted by a woman who screamed as she descended the staircase.
Location: E11 - Hollow Ponds area, Epping Forest, Wanstead
Type: Cryptozoology
Date / Time: November 2008
Further Comments: During an evening fishing trip, Michael Kent reported encountering a dark hairy figure, standing around four foot tall. The creature vanished into the bushes.
Location: E11 - Private house along Fairlop Road, Leytonstone
Type: Haunting Manifestation
Date / Time: Late 1960s
Further Comments: This polt was blamed for pushing a pregnant woman down the staircase - fortunately her unborn child was unhurt. The presence also opened drawn curtains and close doors, while one witness heard a woman sobbing on the landing.