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Isle of Wight Ghosts, Folklore and Forteana

Black Monk

Location: Apse Heath - General area
Type: Haunting Manifestation
Date / Time: Unknown
Further Comments: The ghostly black monk was said not to be fussy about when or to whom he appeared.

Whispered Conversation

Location: Apse Heath - Private residence
Type: Poltergeist
Date / Time: 2023
Further Comments: Disembodied voices having a whispered conversation have been heard in empty rooms, stopping when the room is entered. Doors have slammed shut and dogs react to something unseen.

Girl in Blue

Location: Arreton - Arreton Manor
Type: Haunting Manifestation
Date / Time: Little girl's voice late 1980s, other unknown
Further Comments: A thirteen year old boy is said to have murdered his father and sister in the manor in 1560. The young girl, dressed in blue, is said to wander the area calling out for her mother, and this may have been heard by a witness in the late 1980s. A woman in red is also reported, who hanged herself in 1843, and phantom monks walk by the old pools in the grounds.


Location: Arreton - Barrow known as Michael Morey's Hump
Type: Haunting Manifestation
Date / Time: Said to happen at midnight, last sighting unknown
Further Comments: Michael Morey murdered his grandson and, trying to hide the crime, set fire to the body. Morey's deeds were soon discovered, and his executed remains displayed on the gibbet that stood upon the barrow. At midnight, his ghost on horseback is said to ride three times around the barrow, crying out 'Michael Morey's Hump'.

Michael Morey

Location: Arreton - Hare and Hounds Inn
Type: Haunting Manifestation
Date / Time: Unknown
Further Comments: The inn is haunted by a local woodcutter named Michael Morey. His spirit appears from time outside the inn wearing ragged leather leggings, a jerkin and carrying a huge axe. Michael was executed for killing his grandson and left to hang in a nearby gibbet.


Location: Arreton - St George's Church
Type: Haunting Manifestation
Date / Time: Unknown
Further Comments: A former parishioner is said to have remained, his presence felt by visitors and members of the congregation.


Location: Arreton - White Lion Inn
Type: Haunting Manifestation
Date / Time: Unknown
Further Comments: An old farmer wearing a smock was seen in the back of the inn but vanished without warning. A typical performing pub poltergeist is also said to live here.


Location: Atherfield - Stretch of coast between Atherfield and Blackgang
Type: Haunting Manifestation
Date / Time: Twentieth century?
Further Comments: Thought to be the ghost of either a smugger or a shipwrecked sailor, this figure has been seen wearing a long black jacket walking out to sea. Night fishermen sometimes hear footsteps crossing the shingle, though cannot see anything.


Location: Bembridge - Crab and Lobster Inn
Type: Haunting Manifestation
Date / Time: Unknown
Further Comments: A resident ghost known to rattle doors and creak floorboards during the night is said to be the spirit of a prisoner who drowned whilst trying to swim ashore from a convict ship bound for Australia.


Location: Bembridge - Pilot Boat Inn
Type: Poltergeist
Date / Time: Circa 2007
Further Comments: Drinks have been known to pour themselves and secure items fall to the kitchen floor. A visiting psychic said that the entity was a former smuggler who now liked to sit and look out of the window.


Location: Billingham - Billingham Manor
Type: Unknown Ghost Type
Date / Time: 1920s
Further Comments: A free floating decapitated head was seen around the manor house, coinciding with the execution of someone at Parkhurst Prison. The ghost of Charles I is also reported to haunt the manor, as is a monk seen standing along a path near the coach house.

Cursed Giant

Location: Blackgang Chime - Cave in the area (no longer present?)
Type: Curse
Date / Time: Unknown
Further Comments: The chime was once a lush area, rich in vegetation and the hunting ground of a giant who feasted upon children. A holy man cursed the giant and the area, ensuring nothing would ever grow there again.

Hovering Shade

Location: Bonchurch - East Dene mansion
Type: Haunting Manifestation
Date / Time: Unknown
Further Comments: Not much is known about the hovering shade said to lurk in or near the former servants' quarters. Poltergeist activity is also reported, with furniture being moved and cold spots forming.


Location: Bonchurch - High Street
Type: Haunting Manifestation
Date / Time: Unknown
Further Comments: A ghostly coach and horseman were once said to pass through the village, and although the story may have been created by smugglers to ensure they had the night to themselves, more recently the sounds of a motor vehicle have been heard on the empty road.

The end of The Ave, Bouldnor, Isle of Wight.

Go From this Place

Location: Bouldnor - End of The Ave
Type: Unknown Ghost Type
Date / Time: 1991, 06:00h
Further Comments: Walking westward along the shore, this witness has just walked through a gate when they heard a voice say, 'Go from this place'. The witness quickly left.

Off the coast of Bouldnor, Isle of Wight.

Three-masted Ship

Location: Bouldnor - Off coast
Type: Haunting Manifestation
Date / Time: 1978, summer
Further Comments: Two people out night fishing spotted an old ship with three masts sailing towards them. The vessel appeared to be illuminated by several lanterns across its masts and bow. As the ship neared the witnesses, it slowly faded away.

Invaders' Blood

Location: Brading - Bloodstone Well
Type: Legend
Date / Time: Still present
Further Comments: The red marks on the stones at the bottom of the well were once believed to be the blood of Danes and English who once fought here.


Location: Brading - Centurion's Copse woods
Type: Haunting Manifestation
Date / Time: Unknown
Further Comments: A monk is said to haunt this area, once thought to be the remains of a town called Wolverton. The monk was murdered by the townsfolk, and as divine punishment, the town was reduced to ash.

Louis de Rochefort

Location: Brading - Crown Inn (aka Isle of Wight Waxworks), closed 2010
Type: Haunting Manifestation
Date / Time: Unknown
Further Comments: Louis was murdered while staying at the inn. Dressed in clothing worn the French Aristocracy, his form has been observed in the past, though hearing his dying scream was said to be more common. Phantom children were also reported on the site.

Never-ending Flow

Location: Brading - Harbour
Type: Legend
Date / Time: Unknown
Further Comments: The harbour was created when a warlock attempted to recover lost treasure from a well - the well's guardian was angered and caused the water to ceaselessly flow.

Pram Pusher

Location: Brading - Kynges Well public house
Type: Haunting Manifestation
Date / Time: Unknown
Further Comments: A woman with her pram were said to haunt the upper part of this building.


Location: Brading - Rectory Mansion Cafe
Type: Haunting Manifestation
Date / Time: Unknown
Further Comments: A murdered Frenchman is said to remain here as his body was not taken home. He may be the apparition which appeared briefly on the staircase, pass through a wall in a bedroom, and created disembodied footsteps and cold spots.

Three Guys and a Woman

Location: Brading - Rosebank
Type: Haunting Manifestation
Date / Time: Unknown
Further Comments: Four ghosts are reputed to haunt this property, although little is known about them other than three are male and one female.


Location: Brading - Tree (no longer standing) in the area once known as Centurion's Copse
Type: Legend
Date / Time: Nineteenth century
Further Comments: Treasure was said to have been buried under a tree which once stood here. The only way to uproot the tree and recover the hoard was to chain twelve white oxen to the tree and have the creatures uproot it. Unfortunately, the tree was chopped down, so the treasure remains hidden.

Ex Officer

Location: Brighstone - Capricorn Club
Type: Haunting Manifestation
Date / Time: Late twentieth century
Further Comments: The ghost of a military officer seen standing around the bar is named as a man killed on the site during the Second World War during a German bombing run.

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