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Home > South East England > Rye

Rye Ghosts, Folklore and Forteana

Old Man in Black

Location: Rye - Bed & Breakfast, name withheld
Type: Haunting Manifestation
Date / Time: Summer 2002
Further Comments: A couple staying at this bed and breakfast reported seeing an old man dressed in black standing over their bed, looking angry and agitated. Both dismissed the shade as a dream until they spoke to each other the following morning and realised both had seen the ghost.

Man in Top Hat & Tails

Location: Rye - Fletchers House, Lions Street
Type: Haunting Manifestation
Date / Time: Unknown
Further Comments: This old man has been seen on the landing, before heading off into the toilet and vanishing.


Location: Rye - Gibbet's Marsh
Type: Haunting Manifestation
Date / Time: Between midnight & 03:00h (reoccurring)
Further Comments: Seen several times around the early hours of the morning, this figure is watched as he walks across the field and heads towards the river.

Author Helper

Location: Rye - Lamb House
Type: Haunting Manifestation
Date / Time: Early twentieth century
Further Comments: One time home of Henry James, he claimed that the ghost of an old lady here gave him assistance whilst writing. Other owners have reported poltergeist like activity, and while sitting in the garden, EF Benson watched a caped man walk by before vanishing. One story says the building is also haunted by Allen Grebell, murdered by a butcher.


Location: Rye - Mermaid Inn
Type: Haunting Manifestation
Date / Time: 29 October (duel) (reoccurring)
Further Comments: Several shades haunt this public house. A pair of ghostly duellers have been seen engaging each other with rapiers (the victor then drags the body through the hotel and drops it through a trapdoor), while a female figure dressed in grey haunts the upper part of the building. Room 5 is one of her haunts, while in rooms 10 and 18, a fading man has been seen entering and leaving (often through a wall).

Line of Monks

Location: Rye - Monastery Hall
Type: Haunting Manifestation
Date / Time: Late 1940s
Further Comments: The ghostly monks which haunted the hall and garden may have been related to several skeletons dug up in the garden; evidence pointed to the burials being performed on living people.


Location: Rye - Needles Passage, off Ports Street
Type: Haunting Manifestation
Date / Time: Unknown
Further Comments: Echoing footsteps have been heard approaching witnesses as they walk down is passageway, though no one is visible as they pass. A local piece of folklore says it is unlucky to step on the stone with the date of construction unless you have already had your birthday that year.


Location: Rye - Reysons Farm
Type: Haunting Manifestation
Date / Time: 1930s
Further Comments: Loud footsteps have been heard moving up and down the staircase in the farmhouse, and the phantom of a man has also been reported moving about the house at night.

Little Girl Lost

Location: Rye - The Union Inn, East Street
Type: Haunting Manifestation
Date / Time: Mid 1990s
Further Comments: Seen walking in the restaurant and kitchen of this old building, this little ghost is often mistaken for someone real.

Two Women

Location: Rye - Town Centre
Type: Haunting Manifestation
Date / Time: Unknown
Further Comments: Several spectres are said to haunt this area of town. The two women have been observed walking down Mermaid Street wearing long gowns, while a lonesome girl in blue has been seen crossing the street. Watchbell Street is the haunt of a little boy dressed in a white sheet, and disembodied footsteps (thought to belong to a young girl), through these are no longer heard, and the Olde Tuck Shoppe along Market Street is home to a lady in grey.

Gobbling Monk

Location: Rye - Turkey Cock Lane
Type: Haunting Manifestation
Date / Time: Unknown
Further Comments: This lane is apparently named after the sounds a monk made when he went mad; this was after he was bricked up alive for trying to elope. He is still seen on the odd occasion, though no longer heard.

Kitchen Ghost

Location: Rye - White Vine Hotel
Type: Poltergeist
Date / Time: November 1995 onwards
Further Comments: The kitchen has had its contents rearranged several times, and various food stuffs mixed up and hidden. Sometimes the activities migrate towards the bedrooms, though they always come back.

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