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Hampshire Ghosts, Folklore and Forteana

Car Crossing

Location: A4 - Road west of Hungerford
Type: Haunting Manifestation
Date / Time: Unknown
Further Comments: This phantom car crosses the road on a rise, vanishing as it does so.

Misty Woman

Location: Abbots Ann - Poplar Farm Inn
Type: Haunting Manifestation
Date / Time: Late twentieth century
Further Comments: This figure was once seen behind the bar and is blamed for slamming doors when no other cause is apparent. Another entity takes the form of a black dog which patrols both inside and outside the pub. The dog is thought to be protecting a secret passageway.


Location: Aldershot - Alma Lane, between town and Barracks
Type: Haunting Manifestation
Date / Time: 1940s and 1972
Further Comments: The disembodied running heard along this lane has been attributed to a messenger taking the news of the victory at Waterloo to officers based at Aldershot - he was attacked and killed by robbers en route.

There are parallels between alien abduction and fairy abduction.

Little Green Men

Location: Aldershot - Basingstoke Canal
Type: UFO
Date / Time: 12 August 1983, 01:00h
Further Comments: An elderly man who set up here for a spot of night fishing was invited into a UFO by two little men in tight green outfits, with visors covering their faces. They shone a light at him before saying that he was 'too old', promptly returning him to his fishing rod.

Grey Lady

Location: Aldershot - Cambridge Military Hospital
Type: Haunting Manifestation
Date / Time: Mid 1990s
Further Comments: A legend says that the phantom woman here was a Boer War nurse who committed suicide after accidently giving her lover an overdose of Laudanum. A nurse and two other members of staff spotted her around 1995; a solid silhouette which vanished into thin air.


Location: Aldershot - North Camp, Aldershot Garrison
Type: Other
Date / Time: March - April and September 1877
Further Comments: Spring Heeled Jack was blamed after several sentries reported being attacked by a figure with cold, corpse-like hands. Bullets fired at the attacker had no effect.

Ball of Smoke

Location: Aldershot - Private residence, Cambridge Road
Type: Haunting Manifestation
Date / Time: Late 1980s
Further Comments: A former resident said that he was woken by a thump at the bedroom door at 01:30h. Opening the door to investigate, something flittered around the banister out of sight, like a child playing hide and seek. As the witness reached the corner of the banister, they briefly spotted a large ball of smoke before it once again darted around a corner. After a period of some time, a female witness watched through frosted glass a figure trying to open the kitchen door, although when investigated, no one could be found.

The Bag Lady

Location: Aldershot - Road between Tweseldown and Aldershot
Type: Haunting Manifestation
Date / Time: November 1990
Further Comments: A phantom homeless woman was said to have been run over and killed along this road. She may have been seen in 1990, the car full of witnesses not being aware she was a phantom until long after the event.

Old Soldiers

Location: Alresford - Cheriton battlefield
Type: Haunting Manifestation
Date / Time: 29 March, every four years (last in 2020) (reoccurring)
Further Comments: These troops are said to be doomed to return to their former battleground.

Floating Man

Location: Alresford - Ruined Manor House
Type: Other
Date / Time: 2000
Further Comments: Two witnesses observed a figure in a grey or silver once piece suit, with a visor over the face, hovering over the tree line. As the witnesses left the area, the figure drifted parallel with them for a bit, before turning away and silently disappearing into the distance.

Burnt Dog

Location: Alton - Crown Hotel, High Street
Type: Haunting Manifestation
Date / Time: Mid 1990s
Further Comments: A phantom dog reportedly haunts the hotel, where it was kicked to death by a drunken customer. Some say that a white (or grey) woman also glides around inside the building; the girl was a kitchen maid murdered in the hotel. Finally, the ghost of an old man haunts room number three.

Fanny Adams

Location: Alton - Flood Meadows and general area
Type: Haunting Manifestation
Date / Time: 1867 onwards
Further Comments: Murdered by Frederick Baker in 1867, the ghost of young Fanny Adams still plays in the area where she died.

Civil War Skirmish

Location: Alton - St Lawrence's Church
Type: Haunting Manifestation
Date / Time: Unknown
Further Comments: A Royalist Colonel was trapped in the church by a detachment of Roundheads - he and several of his enemy were killed during the short fight. The small battle can still be heard.

An old woodcut showing a rather fat pig with an oversized ring through the end of his nose.


Location: Andover - Church
Type: Other
Date / Time: 1171
Further Comments: The priest here was hit by lightning - the congregation watched as a small pig appeared and ran about his legs and feet.

Grey Lady

Location: Andover - White Hart Hotel
Type: Haunting Manifestation
Date / Time: Twentieth century onwards
Further Comments: This figure apparently haunts the upper regions of the building (particularly Rooms 14 and 20), though at least one sighting has her wearing dark green. The bar area is home to two misty figures.

Faceless Girl

Location: Basingstoke - Barge Inn, formally Goat and Barge Public House (no longer standing)
Type: Haunting Manifestation
Date / Time: 1960s, 2000s?
Further Comments: The landlord's wife and a customer both watched a phantom faceless woman walk past the bar. In another incident, a member of the public was knocked off his feet and another kicked in the knee as an invisible force rushed by them. Cries and screams would sometimes be heard late at night. More recently, workers in a building on the site of the pub have reported hearing disembodied footsteps.

Grey Lady

Location: Basingstoke - Hackwood House
Type: Haunting Manifestation
Date / Time: 1862
Further Comments: Seen emerging from one of the walls of a bedroom, this grey lady has also been seen on the staircase in the house.

Former Performer

Location: Basingstoke - Haymarket Theatre
Type: Haunting Manifestation
Date / Time: Unknown
Further Comments: The Haymarket is said to be haunted by several ghosts of old performers, though no one can say who, why or when.

Attacking Monk

Location: Basingstoke - Kingclere Road and Catern's Grave
Type: Haunting Manifestation
Date / Time: 1960s
Further Comments: A particularly hostile entity, this grey cowled shade has reportedly attacked at least two witnesses and tried to take possession of another's body.

Passionate Woman

Location: Basingstoke - Old Vic public house
Type: Haunting Manifestation
Date / Time: 1978 / 1979
Further Comments: The female spirit was responsible for keeping the landlord awake at nights, with her sighing and heavy breathing.

Walking Woman

Location: Basingstoke - Red Lion Hotel
Type: Haunting Manifestation
Date / Time: 1989 - 1995
Further Comments: Former manager Robert Rutherford claimed that he had encountered a ghostly woman wearing a ruffled dress multiple times while working at the hotel. Cleaning staff would also encounter the figure sitting on beds.

Purple Object

Location: Basingstoke - Skies over the town
Type: UFO
Date / Time: 04 August 2007
Further Comments: A purple pear-shaped object was seen by Kris Reed, from his home. The ufo hovered before moving away, creating a noise like a washing machine. On the same night, another witness reported seeing a large red ball moving slowly across the sky.

Black Shape

Location: Basingstoke - Stockroom
Type: Haunting Manifestation
Date / Time: 2018
Further Comments: A worker reported seeing a black shape a stockroom. On other occasions, the same worker sensed a presence which wanted the person to leave.


Location: Basingstoke - The Swallows private house, on the outskirts of the town (no longer standing)
Type: Haunting Manifestation
Date / Time: Mid Nineteenth century
Further Comments: Haunted by a large baboon and a huge dark cat, the owners finally left when screaming started coming from the attic. The building was pulled down when no one could be found to move in.

Roll out the Barrel

Location: Basingstoke - White Hart public house, London Road
Type: Haunting Manifestation
Date / Time: Twentieth century
Further Comments: Successive landlords have been woken at night by the sound of barrels being rolled outside, though nothing can be found when investigated further. A few staff have reported seeing a couple of spooky figures, one male and the other female.

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